Balmoral Drive, Manchester, Lancashire, M34 2JX

0161 336 3409

Denton West End Primary School

Only our best is good enough


Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Meet the Year 4 staff

Miss Landy Mrs Moran Miss Trelfa
Y4 Teacher

Y4 Teacher

Teaching Assistant

Design and Technology

January 2025

Year 4 have been busy using their sewing skills to design and make tooth fairy money wallets. We linked our design and technology with our science work on teeth and healthy eating. Year 4 were set the task to design a money wallet for children to use when they lose their teeth. After designing the wallets they used felt and a variety of sewing stiches to sew their designs together. The children were very proud of their final product!

Maths Week

November 2024 

Year 4 have really enjoyed Maths Week. We have been learning about Pursuit Curves where the four points of a shape move at the same time and at the same speed to create a wonderful piece of maths art. We also enjoyed our maths carousel with year 3, where we played many different times table games to help us with our quick recall of our multiplication facts. 

Welcome to Year 4!

September 2024

Year 4 have all made a fantastic start to the new school year. It has been really lovely getting to know each other more! We have already taken part in lots of fun activities and have spent some time thinking about our targets for the upcoming weeks, as part of our Investors in Pupils. 

We all look forward to a wonderful year ahead!