Mental Health
At Denton West End Primary School, we understand how important it is to look after our mental health - for children, parents and staff. Please find some information and guidance below that may be useful (click on the links). As always, if you require further support or are concerned about a child's mental health, please contact school through a note in your child's planner or by telephone.
A family guide to getting advice and help for emotional wellbeing and mental health in Tameside:
Dealing with Bereavement
Please see the document below for ideas to help boost mental health during March.
The Kooth team (see below) provide free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling. They are all based in the UK, and have a variety of professional experience, so you can be sure to find someone to talk to about your specific needs.
Are you a victim of Domestic Abuse or know someone who is? These websites can provide vital support:
Refuge – National Domestic Abuse helpline
0808 2000 247
Women’s Aid
The Hideout – designed to support children and young people impacted by domestic abuse
Galop – supports LGBT+ victims of domestic abuse
0800 999 5428
Mankind Initiative – supports male victims of domestic abuse
01823 334 244
MEND may be appropriate for dads and dads-to-be of babies and children up to the age of 11 years who;
Ø Have accepted responsibility for perpetrating domestic abuse
Ø Have regular contact with their children or are working towards this
Ø Want to place their children at the forefront of future choices
Ø Display a willingness to change their behaviours
Ø Are comfortable working and talking within a group environment
Shining a Light on Suicide
Homepage - Shining a Light on Suicide – Feeling suicidal? Concerned about someone? Bereaved by Suicide? – local & national support, local & national bereavement service, learn to save a life, safety plan, events, training & more
Free on-line Suicide Prevention training that takes just 20 minutes - Learn to Save a Life - Shining a Light on Suicide
Events and training -
Helping Your Child To Make Friends at School